by Rachel Foster
by Rachel Foster
Plant trees and shrubs.
Prepare new areas for planting.
Divide and plant perennials.
Pull weeds before they flower and set seed.
Fertilize just about everything unless you did it in February.
Prune spring-flowering shrubs as blossoms fade.
Protect new growth of bulbs and perennials from slugs.
Start new lawns.
Watch for local plant sales.
Plant perennials, gladiolus and hardy annuals.
Feed bulbs while they are green and growing.
Continue pruning spring-flowering shrubs.
Shear ivy and heather. Cut old leaves off sword ferns.
Trim lavender and sage after new growth begins.
Check irrigation systems.
Plant dahlias and other tender bulbs.
Plant perennials, annuals and container plants.
Remove dead flowers from young rhodies.
Water rhododendrons and bulbs liberally.
Start aphid control--flush with water, spray insecticidal soap.
Control slugs.
Weed and mulch between plants.
Begin regular feeding of container plants.
Prune rhododendrons and azaleas.
Control aphids with water and insecticidal soap.
Watch for cutworms and hand-pick!
Stake summer-blooming perennials. Cut back those that have bloomed.
Continue mulching.
Watering lawns is not essential but it helps discourage weeds.
Prune broad-leafed evergreens.
Watch for cutworms. Hand-pick or use BT.
Shorten new growth on espaliered apples and pears.
Dead-head early perennials.
Stake tall perennials before they flop.
Replenish mulches to hold moisture.
Water annuals liberally, in flower beds or pots.
Dead-head perennials, roses.
Remove diseased leaves from roses, rose beds.
Groom and feed container plants regularly.
Re-plant tired containers.
Order spring-flowering bulbs.
Remember to moisten compost piles.